Sleepy Walker is a simple educational game which introduces basic programming concepts through puzzles and an easy an intuitive gameplay. I developed this app during the first year I attended Apple Developer Academy, along with other 3 students. It has more than 40.000 downloads as of today. It was featured on the Apple App Store in Brazil, Germany, UK, and others.
Sleepy Walker
Screenplay introduces kids to coding concepts through puzzles embedded in acting scenes. Players must program characters to move to a point on the stage and then set the scene into action. As they work through different worlds with themes and scenes, they encounter new coding puzzles. Was featured on the US App Store.
Dr. Fitz and Dr. Simmons, an egocentric scientist couple, upon the verge of the creatinon of a time machine, clash for the title of author of such inverntion for their only passion other than each other, is sciente itself. Alas, the conflict results in a time vortex caused by the time machine, leading then to rush against time to become the one to restore it and claim the desired title. They vow to achieve their goal ,in sickness and in health, 'til time do the part.
'Til Time Do Us Part


FEB 2019 - Present



2011 - 2013